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A HMM-based Pre-training Approach for Sequential Data
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1.21 MB (1267386 bytes)
A machine learning approach to QoE-based video admission control and resource allocation in wireless systems
2014 - Testolin et al. - IEEE IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop.pdf
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801 KB (820669 bytes)
A new adaptive videogame for training attention and executive functions: design principles and initial validation
MDZ attention videogame Frontiers 2014.pdf
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1.50 MB (1571044 bytes)
Are the neural correlates of subitizing and estimation dissociable? An fNIRS investigation
Cutini et al. Neuroimage 2014 subitizing.pdf
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579 KB (593840 bytes)
Can approximate mental calculation account for operational momentum in addition and subtraction?
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546 KB (559637 bytes)
CDP++.Italian: Modelling Sublexical and Supralexical Inconsistency in a Shallow Orthography
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1.14 MB (1190297 bytes)
Cognition-based networks: applying cognitive science to wireless networking
2014 - Badia et al. - IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks.pdf
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308 KB (315574 bytes)
Extra-powerful on the visuo-perceptual space, but variable on the number space: Different effects of optokinetic stimulation in neglect patients
Pitteri et al. Journal of Neuropsychology. 2014.pdf
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594 KB (608296 bytes)
Larger, smaller, odd, or even? Task-specific effects of optokinetic stimulation on the mental number space.
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292 KB (299746 bytes)
Modelling reading development through phonological decoding and self-teaching: implications for dyslexia
ZPZ Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2014.pdf
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617 KB (631996 bytes)
Number skills are maintained in healthy ageing
Cappelletti et al. Cog Psych 2014 numbers ageing.pdf
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912 KB (934467 bytes)
Number–Space Interactions in the Human Parietal Cortex: Enlightening the SNARC Effect with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Cutini et al. SNARC fNIRS CerCo 2014.pdf
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427 KB (437332 bytes)
Right-hemisphere (spatial?) acalculia and the influence of neglect
Benavides-Varela et al. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2014.pdf
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577 KB (590884 bytes)
Spatial attention in written word perception
MFZ attention & word perception Front Hum Neurosc 2014.pdf
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404 KB (414431 bytes)
The effect of decreased interletter spacing on orthographic processing
MFZ 2014 BPR spacing.pdf
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467 KB (478503 bytes)
When silent letters say more than a thousand words: An implementation and evaluation of CDP++ in French
PZZ 2014 JML FrenchCDP++.pdf
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1.62 MB (1699788 bytes)