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Publications, Carlo Arrigo Umiltà
Computer-based attention-demanding testing unveils severe neglect in apparently intact patients
Bonato et al Behav Neurol 2013 published.pdf
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148 KB (151935 bytes)
Deficits of contralesional awareness: a case study on what paper-and-pencil tests neglect
Bonato et al. Neuropsychology. 2012.pdf
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692 KB (709250 bytes)
Editorial: Spatial and non-spatial aspects of neglect.
Priftis et al Editorial 2013.pdf
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542 KB (555585 bytes)
Erratum to: Interactions between perceptual and numerical space
Kramer et al. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 2011.pdf
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58 KB (60292 bytes)
Explicit versus Implicit Processing of Representational Space in Neglect: Dissociations in Accessing the Mental Number Line
Priftis et al. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 2006.pdf
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130 KB (133998 bytes)
Increased attentional demands impair contralesional space awareness following stroke
Bonato et al. Neuropsychologia. 2010.pdf
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545 KB (558461 bytes)
Living on the edge: strategic and instructed slowing in the stop signal task.
Sella et al.. Psychological research. 2012.pdf
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288 KB (295875 bytes)
Lost in number space after right brain damage: A neural signature of representational neglect
Priftis et al. Cortex. 2008.pdf
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395 KB (405241 bytes)
Neuropsychology is nothing without control: A potential fallacy hidden in clinical studies
bonato et al Cortex 2012.pdf
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275 KB (282505 bytes)
Neuropsychology is nothing without control: A potential fallacy hidden in clinical studies
Bonato et al.. Cortex. 2012.pdf
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275 KB (282505 bytes)
Optokinetic stimulation modulates neglect for the number space: evidence from mental number interval bisection
Priftis et al. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2012.pdf
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1.12 MB (1175894 bytes)
Paying Attention through Eye Movements: A Computational Investigation of the Premotor Theory of Spatial Attention
Casarotti et al. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 2012.pdf
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480 KB (492140 bytes)
Priming the Mental Time Line
Di Bono et al. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. 2012.pdf
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172 KB (176521 bytes)
Temporal order judgment reveals how number magnitude affects visuospatial attention
Casarotti et al. Cognition. 2007.pdf
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363 KB (371902 bytes)
The Mental Representation of Numerical Fractions: Real or Integer?
Bonato et al. Human perception and performance. 2007.pdf
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135 KB (138384 bytes)
The relationship between visuo-spatial attention and nonword reading in developmental dyslexia
Facoetti et al. Cognitive neuropsychology. 2006.pdf
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284 KB (291506 bytes)
The spatial representation of numerical and non-numerical sequences: Evidence from neglect
Zorzi et al. Neuropsychologia. 2006.pdf
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269 KB (276400 bytes)
The spatial representation of numbers: evidence from neglect and pseudoneglect
Umiltà, Priftis, Zorzi. Experimental brain research. 2009.pdf
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311 KB (319189 bytes)
Using functional neuroimaging to test theories of cognition: A selective survey of studies from 2007 to 2011 as a contribution to the decade of the mind initiative
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473 KB (484413 bytes)
Visuospatial priming of the mental number line
Stoianov et al. Cognition. 2008.pdf
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154 KB (158490 bytes)