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Publications, Francesco Sella
Enumeration skills in Down syndrome
Sella, Lanfranchi, Zorzi_2013_Enumeration skills in Down syndrome_Research in Developmental Disabilities.pdf
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365 KB (374234 bytes)
High Impact= High Statistical Standards? Not Necessarily So
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279 KB (286612 bytes)
Living on the edge: strategic and instructed slowing in the stop signal task.
Sella et al.. Psychological research. 2012.pdf
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288 KB (295875 bytes)
Neuropsychology is nothing without control: A potential fallacy hidden in clinical studies
bonato et al Cortex 2012.pdf
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275 KB (282505 bytes)
Neuropsychology is nothing without control: A potential fallacy hidden in clinical studies
Bonato et al.. Cortex. 2012.pdf
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275 KB (282505 bytes)
Number Line Estimation in Children with Developmental Dyscalculia
Sella et al. dyscalculia LDCJ 2013.pdf
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828 KB (848121 bytes)
Preschool children use space, rather than counting, to infer the numerical magnitude of digits: Evidence for a spatial mapping principle
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389 KB (398922 bytes)
Spatial and verbal routes to number comparison in young children
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278 KB (285016 bytes)
Spatial order relates to the exact numerical magnitude of digits in young children
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1.63 MB (1710589 bytes)
Spontaneous non-verbal counting in toddlers
Sella et al. Dev Sci 2016.pdf
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188 KB (192871 bytes)
Strategy Selection in ADHD Characteristics Children: A Study in Arithmetic.
Sella et al._2012_Strategy Selection in ADHD Characteristics Children A Study in Arithmetic._Journal of attention disorders(2).pdf
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274 KB (281134 bytes)
Training numerical skills with the adaptive videogame “The Number Race”: A randomized controlled trial on preschoolers
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422 KB (432361 bytes)
Using functional neuroimaging to test theories of cognition: A selective survey of studies from 2007 to 2011 as a contribution to the decade of the mind initiative
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473 KB (484413 bytes)
Varieties of quantity estimation in children
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1.07 MB (1122066 bytes)