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Publications, Ilaria Berteletti
Can approximate mental calculation account for operational momentum in addition and subtraction?
PDF document,
546 KB (559637 bytes)
Developmental trajectory of number acuity reveals a severe impairment in developmental dyscalculia
Piazza et al. Cognition. 2010.pdf
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697 KB (714284 bytes)
Implicit versus explicit interference effects in a number-color synesthete
Berteletti, Hubbard, Zorzi. Cortex. 2010.pdf
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311 KB (318519 bytes)
La gara dei numeri: un videogioco educativo per il potenziamento delle abilità numeriche e il trattamento della discalculia
BDZ DiM 2012 Gara dei numeri.pdf
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604 KB (619305 bytes)
Neuropsychology is nothing without control: A potential fallacy hidden in clinical studies
bonato et al Cortex 2012.pdf
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275 KB (282505 bytes)
Neuropsychology is nothing without control: A potential fallacy hidden in clinical studies
Bonato et al.. Cortex. 2012.pdf
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275 KB (282505 bytes)
Number Line Estimation in Children with Developmental Dyscalculia
Sella et al. dyscalculia LDCJ 2013.pdf
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828 KB (848121 bytes)
Numerical estimation in individuals with Down syndrome
Lanfranchi et al 2015 RDD Estimation Down.pdf
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558 KB (571878 bytes)
Numerical Estimation in Preschoolers
Berteletti et al. Developmental psychology. 2010.pdf
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603 KB (618135 bytes)
Representation of numerical and non-numerical order in children
BLZ order Cognition 2012.pdf
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629 KB (645052 bytes)