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Cognition-based networks: a new perspective on network optimization using learning and distributed intelligence
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5.74 MB (6017614 bytes)
Effects of multimodal load on spatial monitoring as revealed by ERPs
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3.46 MB (3632569 bytes)
Neural Networks for Sequential Data: a Pre‐training Approach based on Hidden Markov Models
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888 KB (910322 bytes)
Numerical estimation in individuals with Down syndrome
Lanfranchi et al 2015 RDD Estimation Down.pdf
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558 KB (571878 bytes)
Probing the reaching–grasping network in humans through multivoxel pattern decoding
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1.29 MB (1356640 bytes)
Pupil dilation reveals top-down attentional load during spatial monitoring
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754 KB (772220 bytes)
Spatial constancy of attention across eye movements is mediated by the presence of visual objects.
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2.94 MB (3086946 bytes)
Spontaneous non-verbal counting in toddlers
Sella et al. Dev Sci 2016.pdf
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188 KB (192871 bytes)
Varieties of quantity estimation in children
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1.07 MB (1122066 bytes)