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Publications, Konstantinos Priftis
Computer-based attention-demanding testing unveils severe neglect in apparently intact patients
Bonato et al Behav Neurol 2013 published.pdf
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148 KB (151935 bytes)
Deficits of contralesional awareness: a case study on what paper-and-pencil tests neglect
Bonato et al. Neuropsychology. 2012.pdf
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692 KB (709250 bytes)
Editorial: Spatial and non-spatial aspects of neglect.
Priftis et al Editorial 2013.pdf
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542 KB (555585 bytes)
Effects of multimodal load on spatial monitoring as revealed by ERPs
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3.46 MB (3632569 bytes)
Explicit versus Implicit Processing of Representational Space in Neglect: Dissociations in Accessing the Mental Number Line
Priftis et al. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 2006.pdf
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130 KB (133998 bytes)
Extra-powerful on the visuo-perceptual space, but variable on the number space: Different effects of optokinetic stimulation in neglect patients
Pitteri et al. Journal of Neuropsychology. 2014.pdf
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594 KB (608296 bytes)
How to differentiate hemianesthesia from left tactile neglect: A preliminary case report
Pitteri et al. Behavioural Neurology. 2013.pdf
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724 KB (741723 bytes)
How tool use and arm position affect peripersonal space representation
Seraglia et al.. Cognitive processing. 2012.pdf
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199 KB (204067 bytes)
Increased attentional demands impair contralesional space awareness following stroke
Bonato et al. Neuropsychologia. 2010.pdf
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545 KB (558461 bytes)
Is two better than one? Limb activation treatment combined with contralesional arm vibration to ameliorate signs of left neglect.
Pitteri et al. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2013.pdf
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1.29 MB (1351109 bytes)
Larger, smaller, odd, or even? Task-specific effects of optokinetic stimulation on the mental number space.
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292 KB (299746 bytes)
Lost in number space after right brain damage: A neural signature of representational neglect
Priftis et al. Cortex. 2008.pdf
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395 KB (405241 bytes)
Modulation of hemispatial neglect by directional and numerical cues in the line bisection task
Bonato et al. Neuropsychologia. 2008.pdf
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456 KB (467497 bytes)
Neglect impairs explicit processing of the mental number line
Zorzi et al. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2012.pdf
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621 KB (636428 bytes)
Normal and Impaired Reflexive Orienting of Attention after Central Nonpredictive Cues
Bonato et al. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 2009.pdf
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484 KB (496519 bytes)
Optokinetic stimulation modulates neglect for the number space: evidence from mental number interval bisection
Priftis et al. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 2012.pdf
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1.12 MB (1175894 bytes)
Priming the Mental Time Line
Di Bono et al. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance. 2012.pdf
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172 KB (176521 bytes)
Pure left neglect for Arabic numerals
Priftis et al. Brain and Cognition. 2013.pdf
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309 KB (317152 bytes)
Right-hemisphere (spatial?) acalculia and the influence of neglect
Benavides-Varela et al. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2014.pdf
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577 KB (590884 bytes)
The spatial representation of numerical and non-numerical sequences: Evidence from neglect
Zorzi et al. Neuropsychologia. 2006.pdf
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269 KB (276400 bytes)