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Publications, Matteo Lisi
Effects of multimodal load on spatial monitoring as revealed by ERPs
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3.46 MB (3632569 bytes)
Larger, smaller, odd, or even? Task-specific effects of optokinetic stimulation on the mental number space.
PDF document,
292 KB (299746 bytes)
Paying Attention through Eye Movements: A Computational Investigation of the Premotor Theory of Spatial Attention
Casarotti et al. Journal of cognitive neuroscience. 2012.pdf
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480 KB (492140 bytes)
Pupil dilation reveals top-down attentional load during spatial monitoring
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754 KB (772220 bytes)
Space coding for sensorimotor transformations can emerge through unsupervised learning
De Filippo De Grazia et al. Cognitive processing. 2012.pdf
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727 KB (745135 bytes)
Spatial constancy of attention across eye movements is mediated by the presence of visual objects.
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2.94 MB (3086946 bytes)
Voluntary eye movements direct attention on the mental number space
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598 KB (612408 bytes)