Ivilin Stoianov

Personal Page of Ivilin Stoianov

Ivilin Stoianov



Department of General Psychology
University Of Padova
via Venezia 12/2
35131 Padova (Italy)

tel : +39 049 827 6642
fax: +39 049 827 6600
e-mail: ivilin.stoianov(at)gmail.com
office: Office room P12 (ground floor), Building Psico2


Research Interests
Principle domains of interest include numerical cognition, language processing, emotions, in particular, numerosity perception, spatio-numerical interactions, phonotactics, grapheme-to-phoneme conversion, lexical perception, emotion embodiment.
Key research methods are computational modelling, behavioural measures, physiological measurements and analysis. Principle computational modelling framework is deep belief networks.

  • Doctoral degree, Cognitive Science, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (2001)
  • Master degree, Computer Science, University of Sofia, Bulgaria (1994)

Representative publications

  • Stoianov I & Zorzi M (2012). Emergence of a “visual number sense” in hierarchical generative models. Nature Neuroscience, 15(2), 194-196.
  • Jezzini, A, Caruana, F, Stoianov I, Gallese V, & Rizzolatti G. (2012) The functional organization of the insula and of inner perisylvian regions. PNAS, 109(25):10077-82.
  • Strata F, Stoianov I, de Villers-Sidani E, Bonham B, Martone T, et al. (2010) Perinatal Asphyxia Affects Rat Auditory Processing: Implications for Auditory Perceptual Impairments in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. PLoS ONE 5(12): e15326.
  • Ferri F, Stoianov I, Gianelli C, D'amico L, Borghi A, Gallese V (2010). When action meets emotions. How facial displays of emotion influence goal-related behavior. PLoS ONE 5(10): e13126.
  • Hope T, Stoianov I, Zorzi M (2010) Through Neural Stimulation to Behaviour Manipulation: A Novel Method for Analysing Dynamical Cognitive Models. Cognitive Science, vol. 34; p. 406-433.
  • Stoianov I, Kramer P, Umiltà C, Zorzi M (2008) Visuospatial priming of the mental number line. Cognition, vol. 106/2; p. 770-779.
  • Stoianov I, Zorzi M, Umilta C (2004). The role of semantic and symbolic representations in arithmetic processing: insights from simulated dyscalculia in a connectionist model. Cortex (40), pp. 192-194.


  • 2003 - 2006 Professor with a temporary appointment for the course “Computer Science applied to the psychological research”, Master degree in Dev.Psychology, Univ. of Padova
  • 2007 - 2012 Professor with a temporary appointment for the course "Computer Science and Bioinformatics", Bachelor degree in Molecular Biology, University of Padova.
  • 2010 - 2012 Professor with a temporary appointment for the course "Computer Science and Bioinformatics", Bachelor degree in Biology, University of Padova.
